things to do when going for interviews


Littlest things can make or mar you when interviewing for a job. Success in your job interview is determined by every little detail that consists in the actions before, during and after the interview hence, it’s important to have the correct knowledge about things before you go for an interview.

Like stated in the earlier paragraph, success in your job interview starts from actions you take before the interview and in lieu of this, we have come up with a system you should follow while you prepare for an interview. Proper preparation prevents poor performance, success in your job interview hinges on how well you are prepared!

Finding a job is not determined by luck and it is not complicated system, there are basic rules to follow, follow the rules and get the desired result.

Basic Rules For All Interview Success

Improving Your Job Interview Game

The opportunity provided to you as a job applicant to prove your worth is the job interview and whether you are successful at it is heavily dependent on the actions you take right from when you are notified of the job interview. Instead of consistently losing out, simply adopt this system and change your interview narrative.

Improve your Interview Skills

What exactly are the skills you think you need for a successful job interview? Have you downplayed the impact of your communication skills on your successful job interview? You have the best qualifications for the job but you are too timid to defend it or maybe you don’t know how to speak in an articulated manner then you need to urgently work on skills such as your articulation, teamwork, logical reasoning, communication, etc.

First Impression Matters, Make a Good Impression

When you come in contact with your interviewers, try to leave a good mark. Try not to put up an impression of yourself that can be a turn off rather try to be nice and polite from the start of the interview. And the good impression doesn’t last from the interview room. From the first contact with the establishment till the last, ensure to put up a positive impression.

Dress Appropriately for the Interview

It was commonly said “the way you dress will be the way you are addressed”, your dressing leaves an impression on the mind of your interviewer, always try to dress appropriately for the job interview. The first perception the interviewer has of you comes from your dressing and as little as that detail can be has a capacity to make or mar the interview for you.

Dressing appropriately has different connotations since all jobs have different requirements.

Reduce Interview Tension

Interviews can be quite tense, even before and after the interview can leave you quite tensed up. Take steps to ensure you are not tensed up before the interview, this will be helpful in your job interview.

Sell Yourself to the Interviewer

Your job during an interview is to prove your worth to the interviewer/recruiter based on your credentials. It is basically a marketing gig, you need to market your abilities and also convince them why the organization needs you. To do this, you need some form of preparation.

Say Thank You After the Interview

When you say “thank you” after the interview, you restate your interest in the position. Learn to send a thank you note to your interviewer. On the note, you can address any issues you weren’t able to address during the interview. Saying thank you is a customary interview protocol.

Practice Before the Interview

Take out time to practice the interview either with family or friends. This action will help you with a template for how you are going to answer the questions, it can also help you calm the tension before the interview.

Use Your Contact Within the Company   

 Try to get in touch with who you know within the company, they can provide you with insider knowledge about the company and give you a few tips on how to ace the interview.

Research About the Company

You have a scheduled job interview in a company, how much about the company do you know? Try to learn about the company structure and as much as you can learn about the establishment before you go in for the interview.

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