personal interview questions


During a job interview, personal interview questions will definitely pop up. These are questions that revolve around your individuality or your personality. Hiring managers want to score points by hiring only the best fit for their company hence, they ask personal interview questions to ensure the interviewee has a personality that rhymes with the company’s culture.

The first guide in the code of conduct for answering personal interview questions is honesty. Be as open as possible with your answers. There’s no need presenting to your interviewers a version of yourself that is not original.

If your true personality is not a fit for the position, it is a win-win situation for both yourself and the company. If you’re trapped trying to fit in a box that you personally built for yourself by feigning a false character, you will grow disappointed with the job which will not augur well for you and your employer.

Another policy to note when answering personal interview questions, is to display a level of maturity that depicts you as being self-aware. Take out time to assess your character. Learn about yourself, be able to describe your character in a manner that depicts maturity. Be intentional about being deep.

During the interview, emphasize on your strong points and your weaknesses, let it be known to your interviewers that you are self-aware.

Thirdly, watch your tone. Be assertive when speaking about yourself. Speak about yourself with confidence, don’t be too shy to talk about yourself. Its important to note that there are legal limits to intrusions interviewers can make into your life.

It is also important to know your employer, as your interviewer gets into the business of asking these personal interview questions, you should have made your research about the company’s personality to help you answer the questions in ways that show that you are fit for the position.

Use the questions to make emphasis on your personality traits. Master the skill of displaying your character strengths when you answer the questions.

Not every information is relevant to the question, be careful about what you share. If you spill out every information about yourself, there just might be something in there that disqualifies you from being fit for the position.

Here in this post are some of the most common personal interview questions that you may need to prepare for before going for your next job interview.


Sample of personal interview questions

Sample Personal Interview Questions About Yourself  

  1. Describe yourself in one word
  2. What is your greatest strength?
  3. What is your weakest character?
  4. What are your hobbies?
  5. What do you look to gain from this job?
  6. What are your hobbies?
  7. What are your personal vexations?
  8. Tell us something that you didn’t include on your resume
  9. What is your view about success?
  10. What is your greatest motivation?
  11. Which do you prefer? Being liked or being respected
  12. Do you have a short temper?
  13. What is your temperament?

Sample Work Ethic Questions

  1. Are you good at teamwork?
  2. What’s your guiding principle with regards to your job?
  3. Describe your ideal perfect work environment
  4. Which do you prefer? A workspace in a general office or your personal office
  5. How well do you react to being corrected?

Also Read: Best Response to where do you see yourself in five years

Sample Personal Interview Questions About Other Aspects of your Life

Some questions are aimed at evaluating other aspects of your life such as your relationships with other people, your reaction to pressure, etc.

  1. What would you consider the greatest mistake you’ve made in life?
  2. What is the worst criticism you have received at work?
  3. What is your strongest character to help you succeed in this job?
  4.  What is the most uncomfortable part of this job for you?
  5. What was your reaction last time you were angry?
  6. Do you work well under pressure?
  7. What would your reaction be to a disrespectful employee?
  8. Can you be in a romantic relationship with a co-worker?
  9. What should we expect from you in your first six months?

Questions that revolve around your work in the company

  1. Why are you the best fit for the job?
  2. What do you have to bring to this company?
  3. What drives your ambition to work here?
  4. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years in this company?
  5. What experience are you bringing here?
  6. Do you view your employment here as a risk or an investment for the company?

Questions that have no direct correlation with your work at the company are out of limits for the interviewer. There are a couple of a hundred questions that could be asked during interviews. We have only highlighted some of these questions above for you to get you prepared for your next job interview.

Go through the questions again, check out your answers, and fine tune them to make sure that the next time you are on the hot seat of a job interview, personal interview questions such as those listed above will not steal your cool from you.

Read Also: Proven Easy Steps to Get Hired Fast Without Stress

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Cheers to your success!

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