Have you ever wondered what could happen to your job if you call in sick? Your concern is valid, and unfortunately, you can be fired. This is why many employees prefer to stay silent when they should be calling in sick.
If you are in employment-at-will state, the employer can fire without incurring any legal liability so you can be fired for calling in sick however, there are exceptions to this principle.
Not taking days off when you are sick could be grievous harm to your body and you are at risk of transmitting sickness to your colleagues if it’s a communicable disease.
Here is a synopsis of the various policies that apply to this situation so that you can carry out a risk assessment of the situation.
Is It Possible to Get Fired for Calling in Sick?
Employment at will implies that you have the legal right to quit your job whenever you like and without any explanation and your boss has the right to fire you without any explanation at any time. Practically, your boss can fire you for being sick if your employment is at will except you have a contract (individual or union) that states otherwise. Your boss is mandated to tell you why you are being fired if its employment-at-will. However, there are a few exceptions to that rule.
Workplace Injuries
You should not be fired if your job makes you ill. If being on the job leaves you injured or ill, you are protected under the workers’ compensation laws, your employer is mandated to pay for your treatment and has to give you time to recover.
It may however be challenging to prove that the job is the cause of your illness or your injury.
Company’s Policies
Employers have the right to create their own policies about sick leave in their establishment. In many organizations, employees are guided by the rules for using sick leave provided by the employment agreements they signed while taking the job.
In most cases, employees are required to contact their employers through any means to let them know they won’t be in work.
From company to company, the rules surrounding sick leave differ hence, be informed about your company’s policy.
Keeping in mind that you can be fired without any justification, it would be wise to call in sick only when you are really sick. Gimmicks like scheduling days when you call in sick will not augur well for your job security.
If you have a special medical condition, discuss it with your boss so that you both can come up with an arrangement.
How to Call in Sick
People who don’t keep their managers informed about why they are absent are more likely to get fired than people who have informed their bosses. Calling in sick may still have repercussions, but it is a far safer option.
Every company has their own policy about how employees can call in sick. For some, an email is sufficient while for others, you have to place a call across to your manager.
Final Words
Be informed about your rights as an employee, check out the department of labor in your country or state to be informed about your rights. Find out about the federal rights you have too and be informed about your company policy.
Don’t wait to be sick before you are informed about the legal coverings you have.
This is not a substitute for legal advice, always seek out legal advice. Laws change frequently and this article may not reflect new changes.