networking effectively

Networking is one of the most important skills you can have in your professional life. It’s a way to meet new people, make connections, and build relationships that can help you advance your career. But networking can be intimidating, especially if you don’t know where to start. In this blog post, we will discuss some … Read more

Samples of Termination Letter for Employers

Ready Apples - Sample termination letter

These are letters used to fire an employee due to attendance problems. You can use these termination letters as a sample when you want to write your termination letters. When you hand an employee his/her termination letter, you should request a return receipt. The letter should be printed on company stationery with the official signature … Read more

This is How to Inform your Boss About a Scheduled Doctor’s Appointment

Ready Apples - how to inform your boss about doctor's appointment

How do you handle an upcoming doctor’s appointment in such a manner that is consistent with maintaining a good working relationship with your boss? All it takes, is keeping them in view as you handle your own personal issues. Different health reasons can trigger a doctor’s appointment, it could be a pre-existing medical condition, or … Read more

How to Handle Employees Who Won’t Get Along

Ready Apples - Employees who won't get along

When there are two individuals in the same office who refuse to get along, it is usually a problem for the manager and other employees in the office because their bad blood is a source of tension which is not good for business in the office. What is the best approach a manager that can … Read more

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